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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 blessing n (benediction: by Pope, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 祝福 , 祝愿 zhù fú   SCSimplified Chinese 祝祷  The Pope gave the orphans a blessing.  教皇为孤儿们祝祷祈福。 blessing n ([sth] you are fortunate to have)SCSimplified Chinese 福祉 fú zhǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 幸事 fú zhǐ,xìng shì  Peter considers his new job a blessing.  彼得觉得找到新工作是件幸事。 blessing n figurative (approval)SCSimplified Chinese 批准 pī zhǔn TCTraditional Chinese 批准   SCSimplified Chinese 同意 pī zhǔn,tóng yì TCTraditional Chinese 同意   SCSimplified Chinese 允许 pī zhǔn,yǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 允許  Marilyn's father refused to give his blessing to her relationship with her boyfriend.  玛丽莲的父亲不同意女儿和她男友交往。 blessing n (prayer before a meal) (饭前)SCSimplified Chinese 祷告 dǎo gào  Sammy will say the blessing before we have dinner.  吃晚饭前萨米会为我们祷告。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 blessing n (Christianity: God's mercy)SCSimplified Chinese 上帝的赐福   SCSimplified Chinese 上帝的恩赐  It was a blessing that Dean didn't suffer.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 bless [sth]⇒ vtr (place, object: make holy)SCSimplified Chinese 祈佑 qí yòu  The holy man blessed the new house.  那位神职人员为新房祈福。 bless [sb]⇒ vtr (person: give a blessing to)SCSimplified Chinese 祝福 zhù fú   SCSimplified Chinese 祝愿 zhù fú ,zhù yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 祝願 / 祝愿  The priest blessed the congregation.  牧师祝福教堂会众。 bless [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (ask God to protect [sb/sth]) (祈求上帝)SCSimplified Chinese 庇佑,保佑 bì yòu  Please bless this house.  请保佑这座房子。 bless [sb/sth] vtr often passive (give health or happiness to [sb/sth])SCSimplified Chinese 使…幸福   SCSimplified Chinese 赐福于  Joan has five children and ten beautiful grandchildren; life has blessed her.  琼拥有五个子女和十个漂亮的孙子女。生活赋予了她幸福。 bless [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (endow, gift: with [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 赋予 fù yǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 赐予 fù yǔ ,cì yǔ  Nature has blessed her with good looks and intelligence.  大自然赐予了她美貌和智慧。 Bless! interj UK, informal (affection, pity)SCSimplified Chinese 天啊! tiān ɑ !  Look at the kitten, snuggling up with the baby. Bless!  快看那只小猫,跟小宝宝挤在一起打盹的样子真可爱,天哪!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 bless [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (worship: God) (对上帝)SCSimplified Chinese 赞美,称颂 zàn měi,chēng sòng TCTraditional Chinese 讚美 / 贊美  "Bless the name of Jesus", sang the choir.  唱诗班唱道:“称颂耶稣之名”。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:blessing | bless英语中文 a blessing in disguise n (turns out to be good)SCSimplified Chinese 因祸得福  Not being chosen to play that role turned out to be a blessing in disguise. mixed blessing n (source of joy and pain)SCSimplified Chinese 祸福参半之事 huò fú cān bàn zhī shì   SCSimplified Chinese 利弊兼有之事 huò fú cān bàn zhī shì,lì bì jiān yǒu zhī shì  Computers are a mixed blessing – they're fine when they work and infuriating when they don't!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: blessing [ˈblɛsɪŋ] n [c] 1 (=approval) 应(應)允 yīngyǔn 2 (=godsend) 幸事 xìngshì [件 jiàn] 3 (Rel) 赐(賜)福 cìfú to count one's blessings 看自己有多幸运(運) kàn zìjǐ yǒu duō xìngyùn it was a blessing in disguise 因祸(禍)得福 yīn huò dé fú a mixed blessing优(優)劣参(參)半 yōu liè cān bàn bless [blɛs] vt (Rel) 赐(賜)福 cìfú to be blessed with 具有 jùyǒu bless you! (after sneeze) 上帝保佑(祐)! shàngdì bǎoyòu! (inf) (expressing affection) 愿(願)上帝保佑(祐)你 yuàn shàngdì bǎoyòu nǐ14世纪时,黑死病席卷欧洲。人们相信打喷嚏是得病的前兆,不久就会死。当一个人打喷嚏后,身旁的人就会说 Bless you! ,希望上帝能保佑这个人的灵魂。 在这些条目还发现'blessing': 在英文解释里: benediction - benedictory - benison - bless - boon 中文: 祝福 - 但愿 在单词列表中: Wedding terms, 更多……同义词: prayer, benediction, consecration, hallowing, grace, 更多……习惯性搭配: am here to ask for you blessing to marry your daughter, Do I have your blessing (to marry your daughter)?, You have my blessing., 更多……

标题中含有单词 'blessing' 的论坛讨论:

Wu (Shanghainese) Wedding Blessing (glide) on a blessing - English Only forum a backward blessing? - English Only forum a blessing - English Only forum a blessing in disguise - English Only forum a blessing to you - English Only forum a disguised blessing - English Only forum a passing blessing - English Only forum a testimony of/about blessing - English Only forum All that was blessing in disguise. - English Only forum anything beyond that is a blessing - English Only forum Ask A blessing - English Only forum being more in blessing than bulk - English Only forum Benison, beatitude, benediction, blessing. - English Only forum Better than a stick in the eye A blessing in disguise - English Only forum blessing - English Only forum blessing - English Only forum Blessing of a shop or a restaurant - English Only forum blessing on/at/in - English Only forum blessing or boon - English Only forum blessing or the curse - English Only forum blessing with - English Only forum Blessing year ('blessing' as an adjective) - English Only forum Blessings Christian Song / Christian Blessing Song - English Only forum boon/blessing - English Only forum conferring her blessing - English Only forum contain the blessing of the welcome - English Only forum Drama lessons are in disguise? - English Only forum drunk on blessing - English Only forum Express my blessing - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'blessing'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "blessing" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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